Heike van de Sand M.Sc.

>Research associate

Phone 0221 478-81959

Short biography

2015 undtil 2019 | Study of health economics and health management at
University of Wuppertal (Bachelor of Science)

2017 | Trainee in medical controlling at
St. Augustinus Hospital Düren

2019 | Trainee and working student at BARMER
in the field of market research

2019 until 2021 | Study of public health at
Bielefeld University (Master of Science)

2021 | Research assistant at working group on health services research and nursing science
at Bielefeld University

2021 | Trainee at gewi-institute for health care studies

Since 2021 | Research assistant at PMV research group

Work focus

  • Health Services Research


interdisciplinary team