Ingrid Köster

>Research associate

Phone 0221 478-85538

Short biography

1979 until 1985 | Study of statistics at the Technical University of Dortmund,
Minor subject theoretical medicine at the Ruhr-University Bochum

1997 until 1999 | Distance learning course »Applied health sciences«
at the University of Bielefeld

1985 until 1994 | Research associate at the Institute of
Medical Sociology at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Since 1994 | Research associate at PMV research group

Work focus

  • Evaluation of health and social data of the statutory health insurance
  • Health services research and quality research
  • Health reporting
  • Evaluation of integrated care projects


  • Society for Drug Application Research and Drug Epidemiology (GAA)

Selected Publications

Köster I, Huppertz E, Hauner H, Schubert I.
Costs of diabetes mellitus (CoDiM) in Germany. Direct per-capita costs of managing hyperglycaemia and diabetes complications in 2010 compared to 2001. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 2014; 122: 510-516

Link Abstract

Köster I, Schubert I, Huppertz E.
Fortschreibung der KoDiM-Studie: Kosten des Diabetes mellitus 2000-2009. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2012; 137: 1013-1016

Link Abstract

Köster I, Huppertz E, Hauner H, Schubert I.
Direct costs of diabetes mellitus in Germany – CoDiM 2000-2007. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 2011; 119: 377-385

Link Abstract

Köster I, von Ferber L, Ihle P, Schubert I, Hauner H.
The cost burden of diabetes mellitus: the evidence from Germany – the CoDiM Study. Diabetologia 2006; 49: 1498-1504

Link Full Text

Köster I, Hauner H, von Ferber L.
Heterogenität der Kosten bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus: Die KoDiM-Studie. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2006; 131: 804-810

Link Abstract


interdisciplinary team