Dr. Peter Ihle

>Physician - CIO data management, data protection

Phone 0221 478-85532

Short biography

1981 until 1987 | Study of human medicine at the
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf with licence to practise medicine

1988 | Research associate in the
Experimental Anesthesiology, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

1990 | Assistant physician at psychiatry, Dinslaken

1991 | Research assistant at the Institute of Medical Sociology
at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Since 1994 | Research assistant at PMV research group

2022 | Doctorate as Dr. med. at the Medical Faculty
of the University of Cologne

Work focus

  • Evaluation of health and social data of the statutory health insurance
  • Evaluation of integrated care projects
  • System and database administration, programming
  • Methodological consulting
  • Data management
  • Data protection and data security


  • German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP)
  • Since 2000 Spokesperson of the Working Group »Collection and Use of Secondary Data« (AGENS)

Selected Publications

Ihle P, Krüger K, Schubert I, Griese-Mammen N, Parrau N, Laufs U, Schulz M.
Comparison of different strategies to measure medication adherence via claims data in patients with chronic heart failure. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2019; 106: 211-218

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Ihle P, Dippel F-W, Schubert I.
Statin-associated myopathy. Assessment of frequency based on data of all statutory health insurance funds in Germany. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 2018; 6(3): e00404

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interdisciplinary team