SaarPHIR – Saarland nursing home care Integrated Regular
>Federal Joint Committee | Innovation Fund
PseudonymisationData linkage
More and more elderly people with multiple chronic diseases and dementia are living in nursing homes in Germany, and their independence is thus restricted. The health care of these patients places high demands on the cooperation of the doctors and nursing staff as well as on their expertise in the fields of drug therapy, geriatrics and palliative medicine.
Project SaarPHIR aims to improve medical care for patients in nursing homes. To this end, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Saarland supports its resident doctors in the formation of regional care teams. General practitioners and specialists pool their resources and thus enable the nursing homes to ensure constant availability and accessibility. The Saarland Nursing Home Association supports nursing homes in ensuring that specially trained nursing staff are available as contact persons for the doctors. If necessary, individual care plans with drug therapy testing are drawn up for the patients together. Doctors and nursing staff take part in team and case discussions in order to learn from each other and strengthen their cooperation.
The new care model will be gradually introduced in the nursing homes and evaluated in a scientific study. In order to evaluate its effectiveness, the study compares patients from nursing homes participating in SaarPHIR with patients from facilities where the model has not yet been implemented. Among other things, data on quality of life, medication errors and hospital stays will be collected.
In this project the PMV research group takes over the function of the data trustee including the pseudonymisation service.
Duration: 2025–2021
Project partners: BARMER | KV Saarland | Saarländische Pflegegesellschaft e.V. | Knappschaft Saarbrücken | AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland | DAK-Gesundheit | IKK Südwest | BKK Landesverband Mitte | Techniker Krankenkasse | SvLFG | vdeK | University of Wuppertal | PMV research group (University of Cologne) | Saarland University of Applied Sciences
Topics: Population health
Data: Pseudonymisation, Data linkage