VAC-MAC: VACcination of patients with MS/Arthritis/Colitis
>Federal Joint Committee | Innovation Fund
Statistical AnalysesClaims data
VAC-MAC is a "Health Services Research" project funded by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee in Germany. The project addresses questions about the factors influencing the vaccination rate of people with an autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis, chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases; short form: MAC), as few studies on this topic are available yet. The aim of the project is to generate missing evidence in order to develop recommendations for increasing vaccination rates among MAC patients in Germany.
In the project, PMV conducts a claims data analysis with data from a German statutory health insurance (BARMER) and examines whether there are differences in the use of certain vaccinations in accordance with the current recommendations of the Standing Committee on Vaccination in Germany between the MAC patients and a matched comparison group. In addition, evaluations of vaccination efficacy and vaccination reactions are performed.
PMV also prepares the data for an analysis of factors influencing the vaccination rate. For this purpose, various characteristics are linked to the MAC patients that could potentially have an influence on their vaccination behavior. The analysis based on this is carried out by the AMIB (Link) at the Ruhr University Bochum. In a final step, PMV validates the analyzed factors in a workshop with representatives of patients and physicians.
Duration: 2022–2025
Project partners: Ruhr University Bochum | University Hospital Cologne | University Hospital Jena | BARMER | TAKEPART Media + Science GmbH
Funding reference number: 01VSF21044
Methods: Statistical Analyses
Topics: Prevention
Data: Claims data, Data preparation