Improvement of emergency care for heart attack patients in Berlin and Brandenburg
>Berlin-Brandenburg myocardial infarction registry

PseudonymisationRegister data
In the Innovation Fund Project »QS-emergency project« of the Berlin Heart Attack Registry, the acute care of heart attack patients in Berlin and the two Brandenburg districts of Havelland and Oberhavel should be further improved with the cooperation of the Berlin fire and rescue services and the Berlin Medical Association.
In this context, the PMV research group took on the role of a trust center for the pseudonymisation of study data. A pseudonymisation tool developed by PMV was used in the data collection agency that supplies the data, in the trust centre itself and in the study centre of the Berlin Heart Attack Registry that receives the data. The tool performs scalable tasks in the individual units, such as cryptographic encryption and decryption of medical data, transport encryption, BSI-compliant pseudonymisation and, if required, the re-identification of pseudonyms including key management.
Duration: 2018–2020
Topics: Disease incidence, Supply curves
Data: Pseudonymisation, Register data